Rated 4.9/5.0 by hundreds of elite coaches, consultants and changemakers

Turn Your Message Into Revenue With Signature Talk Mastery

Craft a signature talk that converts into revenue on stage AND screen with my

globally proven, step-by-step formula

What’s Stopping Your Message From Getting Out?

You KNOW your message is unique and valuable…now, how do you get people to sit up and listen?

You may be burning to touch hearts and minds. To inspire. To convert. But you also know it’s a long walk to the stage – one that begins long before you get the gig.

First you need to build your reputation as THE expert in your field. You need to catch the attention of event organizers, master your message, and charge the fee you know you deserve. You need to deliver that talk in a way that monetizes your message.

But where do you begin?

“I earned more in one month than I used to earn in an entire year because of working with Steve”

Linda Cousineau, Founder and CEO, Empower-Growth Inc

Your True Potential is Still Untapped

Any of this sound familiar?

  • You can’t quite find the right platforms (virtual or in person) to get your message out

  • You might feel you’re not “ready” to speak yet…and you’re scared of putting yourself out there!

  • When you do speak, you aren’t getting as many leads or clients as you’d hoped

  • You know you need to stand out from the competition – but how?

  • You’re not getting results (or you don’t even know where to begin!), and you’re beginning to lose confidence

  • You may think your speaking skills and content aren’t up to the task.

    1 Step Order

Master Your Craft ON And OFF Stage

You aren’t the problem. And neither is your message. Being able to monetize yourself as a speaker is a craft that needs to be mastered on and off the stage.

As a professional speaker, you need to guarantee success BEFORE you step on stage – and then deliver on that promise with a talk that’s out of this world.

Once you develop your hard-earned reputation as a world-class speaker, you’ll find that:

  • Organizers want you to speak at their events

  • You can charge what you’re worth

  • Your name alone will draw a crowd

  • People will respond to your message and you’ll experience a higher conversion rate

Go From Storytelling To Sales With . . .

Signature Talk Mastery

Turn your message into revenue on stage AND screen with our globally proven, step-by-step formula.

By the end of this program, you will:

Have a Signature Talk that Positions You as THE ONE in Your Field

Every successful coach needs a specific talk that singles them out as THE ONE in their field – and sets you apart from everyone else who speaks on your subject.

Turn the Heads of Prospects and Organizers

Make people sit up and take notice. From attracting event organizers to convincing prospects, you’ll be able to get in front of your ideal audience and make more sales.

Gain the Skills of a Seasoned Professional

Own the stage like a seasoned professional who can transfix their audience – even if you’re not a professional speaker!

Be Ready To Speak At Any Moment with ZERO Notice

Creating and prepping a new talk for every audience can take hundreds of hours. Learn how to tweak your signature talk to appeal to any audience in just 10 minutes.

Make More Money; No Matter Where You Speak

Turn any speaking opportunity into pay-day and stop leaving money on the table. Get paid what you’re worth!

Charge What You’re Worth

Feel confident in increasing your fees. By building a strong reputation and a community of devoted followers, you’ll be able to charge more, whether that’s in your coaching programs or speaking fees.

What’s It Like To Work With Steve?

“After my next speaking engagement to 2000 people, someone came up to me and I booked my next engagement at double my speaking fee. That’s how effective Steve Lowell is.”

Karen Martin

President, TKMG

Award-winning Author, Keynote Speaker, SaaS Founder

“After working with Steve I sold more in one speaking engagement than I sold all year long. Books were flying off the back table”

Sandra Tisiot

Mortgage Agent, The Mortgage Advisors Founder, Women in Business Conference

“I took Steve’s program and followed his system to a T. In my next keynote address, I secured three high-value business opportunities and several other viable leads. There’s just no way to tell how much business will come from this one speaking engagement”

Janet Stewart

Founder and CEO

Mindset Catalysts Inc.

Strap Yourself In – Here’s what you’ll learn

Setting the stage for your Signature Talk

It’s not just what you say – but who’s there to listen. Choose the right audience and develop strategies to maximize your monetization.

By the end of this section, you will know:

  • How to select the right audiences for you.

  • How to choose the right stages for your message.

  • Different ways to monetize through speaking.

  • How to pick what to sell (and what not to sell) when you speak.

Your signature story

As humans, we respond best to stories. It’s simply in our nature. By embracing the power of storytelling, you’ll be better able to connect on an emotional level.

By the end of this section, you will know:

  • The 4 principles of storytelling that make or break your signature talk.

  • How to structure and present your stories so they lead to your desired outcome.

Defining (or refining) your signature message

A story without substance is like a Ferrari without an engine. It looks good, but it won’t get you anywhere. In this section, we focus on your message to convert your expertise into value.

By the end of this section, you will know:

  • How to make yourself appear to be different by putting your unique spin on your knowledge.

  • Build your reputation as THE expert in your field instead of being just another one of “them”

Your talk structure

Flexibility and adaptability are grounded in a solid structure. Using a system that has been proven worldwide over the last 15 years, we’ll construct the entire outline of your signature talk.

By the end of this section, you will know:

  • Be ready to present your talk to any audience at any time

  • Master your message at a level few speakers ever reach

Finding your own signature style

The elements may be there but you still need that certain je ne sais quoi to amp up the connection and make sales.

By the end of this section, you will know:

  • Know who you want to be as a speaker and how you want to show up.

  • Be able to apply principles of stagecraft, platform skills and body language to release your personal and authentic style when you speak.

Your No Pressure Offer

You want to inspire and transform – but you also need to convert. It’s a delicate balance, but one you’ll soon master.

By the end of this section, you will know:

  • Know how to craft and present a no-pressure, highly converting offer for immediate monetization.

  • Increase your speaking fees and your sales from the stage or screen

Find Speaking Gigs That Pay!

Once you’ve completed your Signature Talk, the next logical step is to FIND SPEAKING GIGS THAT PAY!

By the end of this section, you will know:

  • This Masterclass includes training from a Speaker’s Bureau and Event Organizers who walk you through exactly how they look for and select speakers

  • Includes everything you need to know to step out into the world of a paid speaking professional

Get Book On Podcasts All Day Long!

Listen in on Steve’s interview with podcast guru and founder of PodMatch, Alex Sanfilippo to find out how to convert your signature talk into a podcast interview that hosts will absolutely love!

By the end of this section, you will know:

  • Learn why being a guest on podcasts is quickly becoming THE way to get known, establish your reputation, and get your message out there.

  • How to build powerful alliances and relationships and skyrocket your podcast bookings

BONUS – The Sales Conversation Flow

Get access to the exact sales conversation process we use to close 85% of qualified prospects.

The Sales Conversation Flow For Coaches and Consultants

$200.00 Value!

You’ve created your Signature Talk, found your ideal platform, and the discovery calls are rolling in – but are you CLOSING them?

Discover our simple, easy-to-use, and time-tested template for closing 85% of qualified prospects,

all without a single moment of pressure.

Steve leads you through this 8-lesson video mini-course and shows you exactly how coaches and consultants can boost their sales without feeling sleazy or salesy.

8 Short Video LessonsConcise, to-the-point lessons (2 mins or less)Workbook IncludedAvailable immediately inside your course portal!

What else can I expect from Signature Talk Mastery?

This program is BURSTING with comprehensive features and original, high-quality course content.

Videos and Accompanying Transcripts

Gain access to the videos and transcripts of all lessons so you can learn by watching the videos – or take your time and read the lessons instead.

Easy-to-follow Workbooks

Create your signature talk with a comprehensive workbook that guides you through the process.

Hidden Gems

Gain access to the videos and transcripts of all lessons so you can learn by watching the videos – or take your time and read the lessons instead.

Unique and Original Content

Cookie cutters are great in the kitchen – not in courses. An incredible 90% of my content is entirely unique, based on my own research and experiences.

Step-by-step Approach

I’ve taken a step-by-step approach that allows you to build your signature talk one piece at a time. Then, all of a sudden, there it is in perfect form!

An Adaptable Template

Benefit from a duplicatable system that you can use to create as many talks as you want!

Fill The Time!

Whether talking for 1 minute or 1 hour, I’ll provide a scalable approach to expand your message when necessary. I’ve even used this exact formula to create full-day workshops!

And So Much More!

We are consistently updating and improving this program to bring you the latest information so you can keep on top of what’s fresh and innovative.

Signature Talk Mastery

Turn your message into revenue on stage AND screen with our globally proven, step-by-step formula.

Here’s a recap of everything you get inside this program

  • Signature Talk Mastery Course $2,500.00 value

  • Speaking Gigs That Pay Masterclass $1,500.00 value

  • Get Booked On Podcasts Masterclass $500.00 value

  • Sales Conversation Flow Template $200.00 value

Total Value Over $4700.00

Get It Now For Only


All prices are USD

Meet Multi-Award Winning Global Speaker Steve Lowell…

Want to increase income and impact through speaking?

Meet Steve Lowell – a multi-award-winning global speaker, three-time #1 best-selling author, and founder of The High-Impact Speakers’ Studio.

With years of experience refining his craft and researching every speaking technique there is (even adding neuroscience to his methods to validate principles actual science), Steve has become a master of the art of public speaking.

Steve has taught coaches, consultants, and professional speakers worldwide including elite professional speakers and global changemakers.

Don’t let your speaking skills hold you back – join Signature Talk Mastery to learn the exact techniques and strategies that have helped Steve and his clients increase impact and income through speaking.

With Steve’s expertise and guidance, you can fill your coaching programs and become the powerful and persuasive speaker you’ve always wanted to be.

Here’s what they’re saying

“Sold more in 1-DAY than I did all year!”

“I got 30 viable leads from one keynote address!”

“I earned more last month than I used to earn all year!”

“Steve Is the BOMB”

“Steve gave me a great lightbulb moment I will take with me!”

“Steve taught me exactly how to sell from the stage without selling”

100% Money Back Guarantee

Make Your Investment Back In 2 Presentations

As a Master-Trainer, reputation is everything. I have to be very confident in the quality of any product before I’ll put my name on it. Not only am I so committed to this course that I’m willing to stake my name on it – if you complete the entire course, follow the instructions as presented and if you don’t make your investment back in two presentations to qualified audiences, we’ll return every dime.

Will I see instant results?

And answers to other smart questions…

Will I see instant results?

Yes! Signature Talk Mastery has been designed to provide you with specific short, medium, and long-term results. You will notice an instant improvement in your ability to craft and deliver your signature talk. Moving forward, by following the course outline, you will have the tools to get more speaking opportunities and become established as a speaker in your niche.

I have no experience speaking. Will this course help me?

Yes! Signature Talk Mastery can help coaches, consultants and speakers with different levels of experience, whether you want to upgrade your signature talk OR craft one entirely from scratch. Beyond the talk itself, the course is designed to help with the behind-the-scenes aspects that both new and experienced speakers find challenging.

I’m a professional speaker. Will I get enough value from the course?

Signature Talk Mastery is an excellent choice for speakers who already have experience, particularly if you’re ready to reach the next level of success. You will learn expert-level techniques for crafting your talk and engaging an audience as well as a proven approach for securing better paid events.

What sets this course apart from others?

It’s true – there are other courses out there that can help you with “speaking”. But this course goes far beyond simple presentation skills and confidence-building exercises like some others. This labour of love distills my over 50 years of experience speaking and thousands of keynotes given to provide you with a globally-proven, scalable system. The system not only helps you create your signature talk, but allows you to benefit from the scalable approach that works for talks from 2 minutes to 60 minutes and beyond. There’s nothing else like this out there! Not to mention the incredible bonus of the Sales Conversation Flow, this course is jam-packed with value and content you won’t find anywhere else.

I have a busy schedule. Will I have enough time for this?

You can complete the entire course in a single day if you choose, but all of our classes are recorded and can be carried out in your own time. While we recommend setting aside time on a regular basis to not lose momentum, you do have exceptional freedom and flexibility.

How are the classes delivered?

The course is delivered in pre-recorded classes with workbooks and transcripts to maximize the learning experience.

How long do I have access to the material?

Once you register, all the material – including the workbooks, training videos, and more – is yours forever. Even after you complete the course, you will be able to refer back to specific videos to refresh your knowledge before taking the stage. 

How do I reach you if I have questions?

Simple! You can reach us anytime at [email protected]

Still on the fence about joining us inside?

Let’s make sure you’re in the right place:

This course is for you if you are…

  • A coach, consultant, or speaker who wants to monetize their message and create an impact

  • Working on a strong message that you genuinely believe needs to be shared

  • Eager to turn your passion into a source of revenue or charge more for your time

  • Committed to self-growth and are ready to put in the work

This course may not be for you if you…

  • Don’t have a message, product, or service you truly believe in

  • Want a get-rich-quick scheme or to “hack the system” without real work

  • Only want small-scale speaking improvements (such as giving better presentations at work)

Filling Your Coaching Programs Using Speaking Doesn’t Happen By Accident

This is the hard truth. No matter how good you are on stage, if you don’t have a solid plan in place to attract organizers’ attention and monetize your talks, you’ll never rise to the top.

Signature Talk Mastery will help you become a better speaker who can inspire and convert – while providing you with a proven, actionable plan for getting on the RIGHT stages.

Become the go-to speaker in your market niche, THE ONE expert in your field, and turn any speaking opportunity into pay-day with Signature Talk Mastery.

Rated 4.9/5.0 by hundreds of elite coaches, consultants and changemakers

Turn Your Message Into Revenue With Signature Talk Mastery

Craft a signature talk that converts into revenue on stage AND screen with my

globally proven, step-by-step formula

Here’s a recap of everything you get inside this program

  • Signature Talk Mastery Course $2,500.00 value

  • Speaking Gigs That Pay Masterclass $1,500.00 value

  • Get Booked On Podcasts Masterclass $500.00 value

  • Sales Conversation Flow Template $200.00 value

Total Value Over $4700.00

Get It Now For Only


All prices are USD

Please note all sales are final

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